tl;dr: The utility of “high functioning” and “low functioning” as labels is outweighed by the harm they cause, and are inadequate descriptors at best.
Decoding the High-functioning Label. A good breakdown of why functioning labels don’t work.
ASAN (Autistic Self-advocacy Network) has a position statement.
Why “high functioning” can be code for “passing”, and what this can mean in context.
Another “high functioning” as “passing” post.
TW: suicide mention, some jerk in the comments trying to pull the “you’re all snowflakes” routine.
Recent research on why camouflaging may be harmful.
From 2012/2014. The celebrities, they are not like you and I, this is why they serve as social placeholders for all. Everybody and nobody is autistic! /sarcasm #allisticlogic